Tag: Computer Graphic; Date: 08 April 2020
Form each pixel, we cast a ray into the object space. The ray will across the object and hit different voxels. For example, ray may hits air, skin, soft tissue, eyeball, bones, brain, …, hair, air, then out of the Object Space.
Regular Sampling: The distance $d$ between each sample point is always the same. However some sample point may not fall on the edges. So we need to interpolate those sample points. This approach is accurate but more computation required.
Scan Conversion: Simply take the value at he center of the voxel every time. It is the fastest among the three methods, but least accurate.
Voxel Intersections: This method try to balance between Regular Sampling and Scan Conversion. Samples the data every time the ray hits the edge. Therefore, the interpolation is simpler(only 1 linear interpolation on each edge).